Inspirational speaker

This was something I got in to completely by accident. I was attending a charity event a few years ago when I was asked to speak off the cuff about mollys charity  Colouring book and her life in general, the awareness campaign etc.

30 minutes later people were laughing, crying and in awe of the immensity of Molly's story.

I was booked again that evening and from the second event booked again.... and the rest they say is history.

All of my speaking fees go directly to Mollys fix me fund registered charity with the tree of hope, as Do any monies I receive for my artwork.

If you are interested in me speaking at your event the story takes you from mollys hilarious and very fast birth through her poorly & heart breaking childhood, to the quest I have been on to make her well again. Then on to the creation of A doodle for Molly an art thereapy colouring book, the massive awareness campaign to change 50 years of medication and on to Doodle days my portable art therapy  venture for the chronically ill and the elderly.

Please contact me on the contact page if you are looking for an inspirational speaker for your event and this would be something you may be interested in.

Or email me at